Psychometric Assessment is a method of providing an objective appraisal of an individual’s characteristics and abilities in a variety of areas. Data gained from psychometric assessment can be used across the whole employee lifecycle; from recruitment, to development, to succession planning and career transition.
Commonly utilised assessments include measurement of various types of cognitive ability and skills, personality and motivation to ascertain whether an individual has both the capability and willingness to perform a particular role. Candidates can be assessed individually, or we can design an Assessment Centre process for larger scale selection or development. At Lixivium Consulting, we pride ourselves on being assessment specialists and only use rigorously tested and validated tools. We are able to fully tailor to your assessment needs as we are not product distributors of any assessment tool. This means we can guarantee the most appropriate assessments are used to get the right result for your organisation’s needs.
Research has consistently shown that including psychometric assessment as a part of a recruitment & selection processes can lead to better hiring decisions, which ultimately can save the organisation time and money.
Lixivium can recommend a selection of assessments to suit the role, and will administer these on behalf of the client. Typically these assessments are conducted online, with reports provided less than 48 hours after candidate responses have been received.
As well as psychometric assessment, Lixivium also offers a range of behavioural assessment, including role-plays, analysis, in-tray and group discussion exercises, which are particularly useful for critical C-suite roles, as well as an integral part of an assessment centre process at a variety of levels, such as for graduate programs.
For more information, please contact us.
More organisations are realising the value of utilising assessment in their employee development processes. Various assessment methods such as personality, motivation and ability can be used to identify strengths and areas for improvement at an individual and team level. Behavioural assessments such as role-plays, in-tray, and analysis exercises can provide additional development insights.
Lixivium has significant experience in conducting development assessments across a variety of job levels. As well as recommending assessments and administering the process, we can provide feedback and developmental suggestions to those taking part in the process.
For more information, please contact us.
Benchmarking is a method for identifying the factors common to high performers in a particular role. Creating a benchmark can be particularly important for selection, as potential employees can be compared against it in order to predict how successful they will be in the role.
Key competencies are identified through role analysis and psychometric testing conducted with existing employees in the position who are identified as successful performers or high achievers. The benchmarks outlined can then be used to detail performance standards or assist in recruitment procedures (i.e. to test candidate job fit).
In roles with a traditionally high turnover, benchmarking has led to significant financial savings for our clients due to longer retention and greater performance of staff.
For more information, please contact us or review a more detailed brochure here.
Research has clearly shown that feedback can be beneficial to individual performance, both by increasing the motivation of the recipient, and by providing information on how to perform tasks more effectively. Feedback is also capable of improving group performance.
One of the most effective ways of obtaining feedback is through the use of a 360 degree feedback process. With this approach, participants are rated on key behaviours by groups of relevant people around them, such as managers, peers, subordinates, and other stakeholders. In combination with a feedback session run by an experienced Psychologist, this process allows for individuals to identify key strength areas and also ways in which they can develop further.
The 360 degree feedback approach is one that Lixivium specialises in. We have managed a wide range of 360 projects, ranging from individual participants to large groups, across a diverse selection of industries.
Although we do have a standard 360 degree feedback tool, for many clients we customise this tool to suit their particular needs, or create entirely new item sets based on their own specific competencies and desired behaviours.
The 360 degree feedback process is frequently used as part of a broader leadership development process, and Lixivium is able to undertake group analyses of 360 data in order to provide additional support for such a process.
For more information, please contact us or review a more detailed brochure here.